The beacon of light

Cenvigo works with digital supervision and focuses on simplifying and improving the ability to adapt to the individual. Our service gives the carer a picture of the person's circadian rhythm, sleeping habits, and waking time allowing the care to be adapted to the actual needs.

For example, the staff at a nursing home can see how someone sleeps without having to enter the room and potentially interfering with the night's sleep. In recent years, the Swedish Government has strengthened municipalities' responsibility for the elderly in special housing. There is a clear requirement for municipalities to ensure the care of our elderly and ensure that they get the help they need. In order to support the municipalities in their effort to ensure the quality of care at night, SKR (Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions) has developed a recommendation regarding nightly supervision. SKR has identified a number of important success factors that have a direct impact on the quality of:

  • Individual's focus

  • Well-developed welfare technology

  • Staff working methods and techniques

  • Management and governance

We at Cenvigo believe that seniors should have a prominent role in shaping their own care. The implementation of digital technologies that both increase the individual's independence and facilitate the work of the staff is a must as the world’s population continues to age.

Feel free to contact us and we at Cenvigo can tell you more about how we can help you.


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